Meet Lisa
Photographer | Writer | Producer
On most days you will find me in the ocean. The ocean is where I have always felt most at home.
I believe that being in nature helps us access our true selves, relaxing into our emotional body where so much information is held. There we have time to listen, feel and make choices that feed our soul. As a somatic healing experience, being in the ocean engages all of the senses and helps to quiet the mind.
While still in recovery from a life threatening eating disorder I moved to Hawaii in 1999 to explore my connection with the dolphins and whales more deeply. On my first swim out in the ocean I was surrounded by a pod of wild dolphins and welcomed into their pod. I felt at home in my body for the first time, ever. From that day on I swam out to be with that same pod for hours every day. It was there with the dolphins that I found my body and heart really started to feel joy again and finally heal. With the dolphins I found myself experiencing what hadn’t been safe or possible yet with humans. My friendship with these ocean beings led me not only deeper into myself and recovery but also to create a life filled with joy that I never imagined existed.
And now all these years later I am sharing this journey of recovery, many of my ocean adventures, and beyond.
Over the years I have guided thousands of people into the ocean introducing them to the magic of the underwater world. I believe that we all have what we need inside of us to heal and we find these reminders along the way as we are ready. There IS real true recovery from these complicated ‘diseases’. There is. It’s not just about stopping the symptoms and getting by, but feeling free and joyful in our bodies and expressing our authentic truth.
Ocean Eyes Photography started as a way to share my experiences in the ocean with others. It brings me such joy to capture the incredible interactions that are happening between humans and our ocean family. Because of the relationships and deep connection felt with dolphins, whales and sharks I have been able to witness and capture magical moments all over the world. It’s not about ‘getting the shot’, for me it is about being with them and seeing what unfolds. From there the magic happens.
My book, Oceans Within will share the details of my journey both in and out of the water. You can read more about Oceans Within, Trinity Rose and Light ON here on the site. I am excited to share all of the different ‘parts’ of myself here in one space. To get periodic updates on exciting projects underway please subscribe here. I would also love to hear from you with any experiences connected to what I share here…